LOTTE CM provides A Total-Service with specialized know-how optimized for new businesses
The LOTTE CM is in responsible for design planning review for new businesses, construction cost reduction with VE and time management, while successfully completing projects through active support to owner.
Sales Facilities
Industrial Plant (Logistics, Factory)
Office/R&D/Educational Facilities
Cutural Facilities/Theme Park
Core Business Contents
Key review points
Flow planning (User, Vehicle)
Establish a rational module plan (underground parking / show windows)
Apply floor height accounting for equipment / products
Establish a lighting plan
Devise countermeasures to deal with disasters such as evacuations, safety, and fire prevention
Core business contents
Support licensing
Review floor plans and specifications
Write specifications and prepare orders
Select construction business and manage contract
Manage established work
Guide construction technology and manage process
Calculate construction expenses
Design and Construction Management Techniques
Design stage VE
Construction stage VE
Proposal of alternative materials
LCC optimization
Cost reduction and increase in performance
Inspection for design errors
Interference check among structure, construction, MEP